SafeTALK trains people to recognise persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide intervention resources.
These suicide alertness skills complement the skills of suicide intervention caregivers.
SafeTALK can be delivered:
In less than a half day (3 hrs)
To community members with all levels of helping experience
By one trainer with groups between 10 – 30 participants.
Course Outcomes:
Participants learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide in only a few hours. When a helper does the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe) they activate a suicide alert. SafeTALK prepares them to be alert helpers and an alert helper:
Is aware that opportunities to help a person with thoughts of suicide are sometimes missed, dismissed and avoided.
Recognises when a person might be having thoughts of suicide.
Engages a person with thoughts in direct and open talk about suicide.
Listens to the person’s feelings about suicide to show that they recognise that the thoughts are serious.
Knows the name and contact information of local help for suicide Intervention.
Moves quickly to connect the person with thoughts to someone who can do a suicide intervention.